I'm so glad that the second semester is going to be end soon.It is harder than what I expect. At the beginning of semester, it is really relaxing situation with less assignment and only few presentations. But as the times goes on and on....the work load does the same things to..goes on and on...~ However, there is a lot of things I learn or can be say as I gain in this semester. I realised that it is hard for me to do the multitasking ( studying & think/do about another things),it doesn't suit me!I want to do one thing at one times. I also learn to trust other people until the end but the trustiness also has an expired time right?this applies when I'm working in a group. And another one, just like I've been mentioned in the last entry is when you dont feel good about someone,just try to put your self in that 'someone' shoes. Somehow, this only apply in certain situation such as working in group or you see your friends come late in the class :D
Oh ya,the most important is I learn that..
the beginning is always hard ( the hardest phase, you dont know how to start the first sentence, always questioning your works;am I doing right things?)......searching,revising..but as times goes on...then you gonna cope with it.Believe me. At the end you gonna smiling earnestly.well..remember the journey is not that easy ;) or to be more specific, the master by coursework is not that easy! haha
cr : google |
'that ' feelings come again...ohmymind cr :google |
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